TIRED BY the huge mess my old works had become, I sat down over a few weeks in 2016 with my former colleague, Jason Tan, to sort them out. First, along a few
Off Stone 4: Sheila Singam, Opalyn Mok, Marina Emmanuel, Jahabar Sadiq & Lim Siang Jin
AT THE EDGE, Sheila was part of the Options team under Surinder Jessy. They shared the same floor as me and BK Tan so we saw each other often. At the
Off Stone 3: Lim Yin Foong, Jenny Ng, Sreerema Banoo & Khoo Hsu Chuang
YIN FOONG joined The Edge shortly after we launched in 1994. I met her there and have been following her work post-Edge too – her evolution from journalism to creative non-fiction.
Off Stone 2: Kee Thuan Chye, Lam Seng Fatt, Choong Tet Sieu, Angeline Lim & Susan Chan
THUAN CHYE and I have been friends since 1966 when we met in Form 1 at Penang Free School. He was kind enough to contribute two items for the exhibition:
Off Stone 1: Eric Peris, KC Boey, SC Shekar and William de Cruz
‘OFF STONE: Works of journos & ex-journos made after hours or post-career’, Oct 5-17, 2024 at my gallery was, by far, my most ambitious project. I gathered 18 journalists and ex-journalists to exhibit