Tenacity & hope

Tenacity & hope
Tenacity and Hope, ink and pencil on paper, 2023, 22.3in H x 30in W

IN MID-2023, Khoo Boo Teik, a close friend from school days, asked me if I could design the cover of his book, Anwar Ibrahim: Tenacious in Dissent, Hopeful in Power. It got me thinking about a few pieces of art for the cover. “Tenacity & Hope” was one of them. It depicts flowers growing out of crammed and difficult circumstances, where freedoms were curtailed, boxed in; where thorns pointed inwardly; where menaces thrived, and where fruit and seeds were deprived of growth.

I have plans to do versions 2 and 3 of “Tenacity & Hope”, both photographs, but it will take time.

I did not use the drawing as part of a cover. I submitted instead a design depicting four Anwar Ibrahim prints by Stephen Menon. Read here. The drawing, however, was accepted as part of an online exhibition, curated by Stephen Menon, called “Black + White” by Art Voice Gallery, September 18-30, 2024.

Black + White” by Art Voice Gallery, September 18-30, 2024, was curated by Stephen Menon. Cover photo by KF Choy. The exhibitors apart from me were KF Choy, Juhari Said, Sanker Ganesh, Stephen Menon, Eric Peris, RM Naeem, Anna Trojanowska, Wayan Upadana, James Millar, Anna Kodz and Safa Banaei

Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the catalogue.

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